Monitoring and Screening



What is developmental monitoring?

Developmental monitoring is observing how your child grows and changes over time. It is an on-going process, beginning at birth, which helps families recognize if their child might be at risk for any developmental delays.


How can my child be monitored?

Parents or caregivers along with early care and education professionals and health care providers work together to conduct developmental monitoring by observing the child to see whether they meet the typical developmental milestones in playing, learning, speaking and moving. Parents or caregivers can use developmental checklists provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to monitor their child’s developmental milestones.


How does developmental monitoring benefit my child?

When families and early care and education professionals and health care providers conduct a brief review of developmental milestones it helps give direction on how families can support and encourage a child’s continued growth and learning.


Learn more about Developmental Monitoring



What is developmental screening?

Developmental screening takes a closer look at how a child is developing. It is a more formal process of checking a child’s development. Screening goes beyond monitoring a child and allows for more specific information to help identify possible developmental delays that may need further evaluation by a professional.


How can my child receive a developmental screening?

Developmental screenings are completed by a healthcare provider, parent educator, or early childhood professional. Parents and caregivers play a vital role by providing information on their child’s development in collaboration with the individuals administering the developmental screening.

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How does a developmental screening benefit my child?

Developmental screenings can provide a picture of a child’s strengths, accomplishments and any areas of concern. Developmental screenings can be provided even if there is no present concerns, letting parents know that their child is progressing and give families direction on how to support and encourage continued growth of their child. To learn more about the role early childhood professionals play in developmental screenings, check out our Developmental Screenings page.


Screenings can assist families in learning what areas of development their child may need additional guidance and identify areas of where delays may exist. Since developmental screenings are more formal and use a screening tool, delays can be identified and help determine whether further evaluation is needed by a professional.  


Understanding Developmental Screening Webinar


Learn more about Developmental Screening