Early Connections makes navigating Missouri’s Early Care & Education (ECE) system easier for families and professionals. This website is a partnership between Missouri’s child-serving agencies who are working together to make it easier for families to access programs and resources for children from birth through age five. These agencies are also aligning policies and coordinating practices to make it easier for professionals to find information and training opportunities aimed at engaging families in their child’s safety, health and learning.
What is an Early Care & Education System?
Missouri’s ECE system is comprised of multiple programs that work with families and professionals to improve early childhood experiences for all Missouri children. These programs include home visiting, child care and preschool. Through collaborative efforts with state agencies, providers and communities, Missouri is working to ensure that families and other caregivers have the knowledge, resources, skills and tools available to help children grow to be safe, healthy and successful learners.

Who are Missouri's Child-Serving Agencies?
Early Connections is the result of strong partnerships between Missouri’s child-serving agencies, all of whom have a vision to make Missouri a better place for its citizens. Each partnering agency plays a critical role in ensuring children are safe, healthy and learning. Together, we will achieve a coordinated ECE system for children and families.
Each agency plays a role in achieving the united vision of the ECE system, that young children are safe, healthy and successful learners, reaching their full potential.